Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Trouble eating

There are so many things that happen to your body while pregnant, that no one ever tells you about. We all know about the vomiting and the mood swings. But no one EVER mentioned to me some of the following things that I am either experiencing or have read about lately:

1. your gums tend to bleed (me)
2. hemorrhoids!?! (not me)
3. you have trouble breathing, shortness of breath-don't even try stairs! (me)
4. your sinuses are almost constantly clogged because you have an excess of mucus- EVERYWHERE, if you get my drift (me)
5. you grow a little happy trail above and below your belly button. Thank God I am not already a hairy person because if you are, good luck, you are likely to grow something resembling the Suez Canal. For that matter, hair everywhere grows super fast, so get your waxing appointments in! (me)
6. the developed fondness for anything babies and other pregnant women-I use to be like this with puppies, now it's babies (me).
7. pregnancy face!!! This is the weirdest, and it doesn't usually happen until the last trimester, but think of Bethanny Frankel in this seasons DHWNYC at all her confessionals, that SkinnyGirl's face looks HUGE. Your face and nose just grow sideways, it is so weird (not me, yet).

But one of the hardest symptoms happening to me lately, is the inability to swallow food! As your uterus expands, your stomach is pushed higher in your abdomen, making your esophagus shorter and for some, this can affect chewing and swallowing. I constantly feel like my mouth is really full and have to take really tiny bites. I often gag or have to put half chewed food in my napkin! I get classier by the minute.

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