Monday, May 31, 2010

Pain in my @$$

So, the last time I wrote I touched on the back pain I was feeling. I just tried to rest and take a few warm baths for the pain. Well, later that day I slipped a disk and pinched a few nerves. It was terrible. Anyone who has ever suffered from a slipped disk knows that this is possibly the worst, insufferable pain that exists. Now imagine being pregnant, and not being able to take ANY pain medication. The same thing happened to me exactly 1 year ago on our way home from Istanbul. When that happened, I was given cortisone shots, daily steroid pills for the inflammation, and a strong pain killer. Pregnancy = just a hot water pillow under my back! This time, the doctor said I also have sciatica, since the slipped disk is pinching my sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower back, through your butt (hence the title of this post) down to your knees. Fun!

A week later, I am still feeling a bit of pain, but it is getting better little by little. The thing is, when I slipped a disk last year, the doctor told me that it would most likely slip again if I ever got pregnant. He meant late in the pregnancy when the belly is huge and putting a lot of pressure on your back. This happened at only 4 months! So I am prepared for this to happen again, but am praying for an easy pregnancy here on out. I bought a pregnancy pillow (not the Snoggle, unfortunately) and it has helped ease some of the pressure off my back while sleeping.

Side note no.1:
I forgot to mention in the last post, I weigh 3 kilos (about 7 pounds) less now than I did before I was pregnant! I think this is from not drinking alcohol, because I eat just about the same I was eating before, and also maybe a little bit of muscle loss since I am not as active at the gym. But, can you believe alcohol accounts for so much weight? Food for thought!

Side not no.2:
A great mommy friend of mine has given us her barely used (her son slept in it 3 times) crib and highchair. We can already see how small our home is going to be with one more person in here. I told Gian I am not popping out any more babies until we get a new apartment :)

Until next time friends....

1 comment:

  1. OUCH! OMG. I can't imagine the pain you are going through. Back pain is the worst.

    Make sure to hold on the the railing when going up and down stairs. Don't know when you're leg may go numb; no falling allowed!

    I hope you are feeling better soon.
