Sunday, May 2, 2010

11 week pop and we are at 12 weeks!!!!

I just finished the 11th week. The 11th week is a period of major growth for the baby. In fact, the baby doubles its size in just 1 week. I am 12 weeks and I think I woke up with a popped belly this morning!

OK...before you see the pics...READ THIS:

I usually take my belly pictures on Sunday morning before eating or drinking anything (which is also how I use to weigh makes you feel much better that way!). Today, however, I took my pictures on Sunday evening after eating the best thing in the world. Let me tell you what I ate.

We went to Castelli Romani to this little restaurant that makes the best pasta dish ever. Basically, they make the pasta (ours was with panna, porcini mushrooms, and spicy sausage) then, table side, they take a big wheel of Parmesan cheese and set it on fire (!) and throw the pasta inside, and roll the pasta around the inside of the melting wheel of cheese so that each single piece of pasta is covered in the delicious goodness.


Anyways, this, combined with bread, dessert, and LOTS of water, has led to my belly being seemingly bigger than what it really is. (MOM-no comments needed about how unhealthy my meal was, I know...but every once in a while I think I deserve to splurge).

Here are my 12 week pics:

Here are some beach pics from a bikini!


  1. holy mother of god that dinner sounds fabulous and i am now drooling like a teething baby all over my computer!! good for you for enjoying such a fantastic meal :) you look adorable and your baby bump is awesome!!! hope you are feelin good too :)

  2. You look great honey! That dinner description made my mouth water... I could almost taste it!
    I love you,

  3. You are just glowing Claudia!!! And I love your baby bump! It is sooooo cute! :-)

  4. you look fantastic!! just love that little bump :D
