Monday, November 8, 2010

The beginning?

Over night I was awake for a few hours with bad cramping (like menstrual cramps) and today I have been feeling a lot of pressure in the general baby making area. I don't know how to tell if they are contractions. I just feel mostly pressure, but not a lot of pain. Maybe this is the very beginning of the long road that is baby labor?

My recent fears are:

-going into labor without having eaten my most recent meal

-going into labor with dirty hair

So I am constantly eating and washing my hair.

Stay tuned! Here are my most recent belly pics at 39 weeks:


  1. sounds like labor to me little mama <3

  2. OMG!!!! Sounds like you are on your way to giving birth!!! Contractions seem to be closing in on you!!!! hehe YEAY!!! I'm sooo excited for you & Gian!!! If those are in fact contractions, then good luck to you on delivering little baby Gabe!!! I'm sure you will do great!!! :0)

  3. Yep, you are almost there! Good luck, you'll do great!
