Tuesday, October 19, 2010

36 weeks (plus 1 day)!!

Ah I can't believe we have already arrived at 36 weeks. It's true what everyone says, the last trimester goes by soooo fast. On the one hand, I am so excited to meet Gabriel, but on the other, I am really enjoying sleeping SO much these last few weeks. I went about a week without sleeping more than an hour or two a night because I was just so uncomfortable. Then my mother in law brought me the best sleep aid I have ever come across:

Fresh camomile from nonno Francesco's garden (my grandfather-in-law). I have a cup of this every night before I go to sleep and sleep the entire night, waking up only to relieve my bladder, but doing so in a semi haze and then I pass right out again. I have been sleeping at least 8-10 hours a night AND take a 2-3 hour nap after lunch. I am in heaven!

I was talking to a friend the other day and I told him, I just have nothing interesting to blog anymore. Hopefully this will change once Gabriel arrives, but in the mean time I leave you with my updated pics and my first peice of mom bling:

A friend of ours is a jewelry designer and he designed a necklace like this for his wife (my american-mommy friend) so Gian had him create one for me, as well. I love it!


  1. i LOVE that necklace!!! and you look so beautiful!! I can't wait to meet babyyyy

  2. You look great in those pics Claudia! good luck!

  3. You should have been a pregnancy model!! You look amazing!!

  4. Claudia! I came across your blog from Lauren's blog---congratulations! You look AMAZING--and not much longer now until you get to hold your little baby boy. Boys are wonderful--nothing like the Mommy-Son bond. I just love snuggling with my little one! Congrats again!
