Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Communication from beyond

For the past 3 nights I have had dreams of my baby. All are very detailed and each one deals with breast feeding. Specifically, forgetting to breastfeed my baby, leaving him with someone else and then remembering, rushing back to feed him but I can't find him and I wake up never having found him to ease his hunger. Only once did I successfully feed him. My whole life, my dreams have been very intense and detailed and often the feelings I have in them stay with me all day. I feel this sadness the rest of the morning that I wasn't able to meet my baby's needs.

What do these dreams mean? Is my baby telling me he doesn't trust me? Is he telling me to get more calcium? I am taking supplements and drinking at least a glass a day! I wish that dream reading was an exact science...


  1. i think it may be just you are anxious about life with your baby...i had similar dreams when i was pregnant. i would dream that i would be holding kamryn and she would just be taken out of my was terrible! hang in there girl...he will be here soon :)

  2. I agree with Kammy'sMamma, Try to relax, you are going to be just fine. I can't tell you how often I think of terrible things happening to my kids (and I am not pregnant). Every time I ride over a bridge or through a tunnel yada, yada, yada.. it's natural to think about stuff.
    The greatest obstacle with breastfeeding is in your mind. You have to truly believe that you can do it and have the support of the people around you. I can only nurse from one breast and was/am able to nurse all 4 of our kids with no supplements!!! Not easy, but doable.
    Take Care, you are in the home streach Mamma.
