Let's introduce myself here..I am Gianfrancesco, John Francis,
Gian, Jean...whatever u are able to spell my name...but most important I
am the father.
First of all I want advice (maybe u already realized it)that I am not english mother tongue..so unlikely u will miss how such a good writer I can be...but this always been our life..it's always been so hard to describe to the other how much blissful (does it work in english) is to share my life with Claudia. But let's focus the pregnancy...I know that find out you are pregnant at Chipotle is funny, is a great call for your blog...but what about me?
I found out I am the father (editor's note: he means he found out he was going to be a father, not that he was the father) on Skype(and not even with a camera), can u imagine?? I know now we will in a multimedial era but I missed everything, I missed sharing my tears (I am the one who cry more in the couple) with you, I missed skim over your ''will be huge'' belly.....and now that I feel so shaked (like a milk shake I meant)...I'm just counting the days...wednesady my true little half italin, american, brazialian and at this point little mexican fagiolo will be so close to me...i can't wait for feeling u claudia.... (editor's note: he honestly doesn't mean to sound innappropriate here).
This is good stuff! Way to go Gian! I hope to meet you someday. Your English is more delightful and thoughtful than most native english-speakers. Maybe this will be my friday night entertainment: 8pm, baby down, check Claudia and Gian's "honest" and uncut blog. :)
ReplyDeleteLove the "editors notes".