I have such a great husband, but more than that, in my husband I found the person I was always meant to spend the rest of my life with. We always say we were careful never to love anyone too much before we met, like we were always waiting for each other. He is great, supportive, patient, so damn funny, and I feel an emotion I can't describe when I think about what would have happened, or where I would be now, if we hadn't fought so hard for each other, to be together. I also love Rome, Italy, Europe. We have a blessed, comfortable life with great friends and family, both near and far.
That being said, I must admit, sometimes I long for home so much that my insides ache. Yesterday, on the way to the beach, the song "Philadelphia" came on and I started crying. I am not even from Philly, and have only been there once, with Gian. But that's neither here nor there.
I just miss so much....
I miss BBQs outside on the deck, Brazilian music playing from the living room, dad grilling, mom being so cute and perfect, D and I drinking margaritas and making fun of our parents.
I regret that my mom doesn't get to watch my belly grow and kiss and touch it every day, like I know she would.
I wish Daniela and Antonio would move back to Italy so that our children can be best friends like I was with my cousin Paula. And so Daniela and I can grow old together, too.
I wish that my son and Carys could grow up together and be best friends, maybe first crushes :)
I miss sleepovers with Cricket, a fifteen year tradition that has never died, and I hope continues long after we both have babies.
I wish Jenny lived here because she is such a dependable friend, that is always there to listen or go run errands :)
I crave Chipotle almost as much as I miss Emily.
I miss plush carpeting under my bare feet.
I miss wolf trap in the summer, central air conditioning, happy hour with friends, trees in the backyard, I miss home.
On a less nostalgic note, I hit 22 weeks today! And I must admit, although I am bored a lot of the time, I one one of those women that is really enjoying her pregnancy. I feel healthier than ever, I feel beautiful, my hair is thick (during pregnancy, your hairs stops its natural process of shedding!), my skin is clear and soft. I don't feel like a blob on the beach, I don't have to hide my beer belly with strategically placed belts and purses, in fact my beer belly has turned into a perfectly round baby belly. I love feeling my boy kick, and seeing all the changes my body is going through.
Here are some pics from Sunday at the very crowded beach